Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Keys

The Keys

By- LaVar D. Lard

To nurture the existence of the earth, the four elements were created; wind, water, earth and fire. These elements were necessary for the earth to grow and nurture life. Though, when God created man in his own likeness he created four elements that acted as the keys to life. These keys nurtured the birth of man’s existence and that would bring balance between them and the earth.

The first key, Time, was created to age the earth and it’s inhabitant to prepare it for the coming of mankind. It also acted as an unforgiving force of nature that gave everything a lifespan, making no man immortal. In making no man immortal the next key created was Life and Death. Life and Death, acted as one key, giving birth to mankind in addition to taking life away from mankind when their lifespan have run it’s course. The third key, Nature, was created long after man’s inception and brought agriculture, spring showers, May flowers, drought, and disease. Although plants, insects, animals, and fish were sharing the earth with man long before nature arrived, there came a time when man started to destroy the earth and created havoc amongst the seasons. Nature took revenge on man and made the summers unbearable, the winters unlivable, and disease a common phenomenon. It brought balance, because of it’s rage man became fearful and

The last key, War & Peace, formed out of spite for man’s deadly sins; gluttony, greed, pride, anger, envy, lust, and sloth. This key put man against itself as a punishment for not cherishing the life they were given. This key would be the catalyst to the destruction of all mankind, but as long as the other three keys are intact man are not destined become extinct.

The coined phrase “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer” must have been God’s intention when he put the keys into four human beings cycling with the birth of a new key after the previous Key’s death. The keys are completely mortal human beings acting as the spark plugs keeping Time constant, Life and Death parallel, Nature at bay, and War and Peace balanced. Life as it is cannot exist without these four keys, so if one key is killed by another key, then all is on earth will be in chaos. So far none of the keys have ever met, nor have known of each other’s existence. Until some dare-devil archeologists put the Keys at peril.


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